I have gotten some magnetic cabinet locks in the past for various uses (projects and around the house). These are, eh..They work IF you can get the sticky part to stay stuck! We put these in our bathroom where my littlest one likes to hang out and open all the cabinets and pull everything out. Well I have my husband install these there and two have stuck good but not the other two. The first chance the baby got to try and open the door it swung right open and the little hooky part wasn't on it anymore..so I'd say you need to use your own adhesive. But other than the adhesive they do work. I mean the couple that stuck are good and going strong, it's the other two that I have to get new stickies for. I gave them 4 stars because the concept is there and the magnet catches well BUT like I said you may need to use your own adhesive. Still way better than those hooks you have to squeeze your fingers in to squeeze it and unlatch it..bleh. I like this kind! Oh I do have to add that I really liked that they include a little ruler tool so that was a nice bonus!
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