Monday, March 6, 2017

Silicone makeup blender Review

This is..well different! I have seen many beauty bloggers use them in videos and wanted to try it out for myself. I am still fairly new to make up so I think I maybe didn't really know what I was I have to say that you don't need as much liquid foundation was you would typically use with a blender sponge (what I normally use) because the silicone doesn't absorb any of the make up at all. It felt weird applying it, and I felt like I was just making a mess..It made me want to drag more than dab so maybe that is what you should do I dunno..I had to go about my day at that time so I didn't have time to sit and figure it out for forever. It was easy to wash though and since that one time I have used it some when applying my face cream which is nice because it keeps it from getting all over my fingers. I feel comfortable using it for that since it's clear so I don't seen any weird smudges or anything lol It is squishy and fun to play a weird fidgit toy ha ha it almost feels like it should be a foot pad or something. If you know what you are doing go for it, if you don't but you are curious still buy it! It is fun and I'm still glad I tried it!


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