Sunday, February 26, 2017

Christian Strong T Shirt Campaign

I have got to introduce ya'll to a new company (well new to me) They are They have a wide range of apparel for everyone! From adults to teens to even babies..they have the coolest Christian designs and I am in love! absolutely head over heels.
I had the privilege of getting one of their featured shirts..their Christian Strong women's shirt!

It is so cute and design aside the shirt is "100% cotton preshrunk jersey knit" which means you don't have to worry about it shrinking in the first wash and it is oh so comfy and soft!
High quality clothing and great original designs..that is what this company is! Serious shirts to funny ones. Show off your faith with any of these shirts and I guarentee you will get attention and be asked where you got it! I love wearing Christian shirts, always have since I was young and I am teaching my boys to be the same and not be ashamed and spread the love and message! These do just that without being "preachy"! Check them out Leave me a comment with what your favorite design is and what you bought!

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