Sunday, February 26, 2017

Silicone Sippy Lids Review

You know I really love these! They have been amazing to use! So easy to just stretch one on a regular cup..the only downfall is because of the silicone they keep getting little holes in them..but they don't leak too bad and we still use them, Usually the hole is around where it is stretching over the lip of the cup. My son loves them and uses them no problem and I am so grateful for them because they are a lot easier to clean than sippy cups with all those valves and nooks and crannies in them. you turn these inside out, wash and turn them right side out and wash and voila..done! Even though they keep getting little holes and some I've had to toss because they got so bad I would still get these again. I appreciate the science of them and I love it!

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