Keepy App Review
Hey ya'll. I wanted to share with you a little bit about this awesome app you can download for free here:
Being a military family we have, for the past 11 years lived away from most of our family! Well keeping them in the loop about what the kids are up to in school and on a daily basis is hard and I really don't want to flood my social media with all this information about my kiddos. Well this nifty app lets you snap photos and share them with specific friends and family that you have invited via email. On top of snapping pictures of art work and school work you can use it for everyday things, and pretty much anything! You even have the option to record videos and pictures commenting on the pictures. Already my kids have gotten so excited when someone has left a comment on one of their papers. It makes them feel good that they can show the awesome math paper they did in school with Grandma who lives on the opposite side of the country from us. It super easy and simple and I hope my video helps you and you download it! I love it and more people should know about it. I wish I had before I wrestled with my guilt on "should I keep this" or "should I throw this away" Most of the time I opted for throw away because come on, what am I going to do with all the paperwork that gets sent home. The pinterest ideas are impractical. Now don't get me wrong, if you do, or have kept all the paper, good for you..I admit that at my parents house, I found a couple of file boxes that were filled with old school work of mine from when I was a child and it was so nice to go through them and see what I had done at a young age but when my mom asked me to take it with me to my house I said no and told her to throw it away. to me it's not practical to keep it all and just store it. The Keepy app is just what I've been needing for years now and I am so grateful to have gotten it and to share it's awesomeness with all of you!
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