Friday, March 16, 2018

ZYLISS Cookware 9.5" Nonstick Fry Pan Review

This is a REALLY nice frying pan! I was shocked how nice it is! I washed it like it said and had to use it immediately! I was making burritos so I was browning and cooking up the ground beef and the way it wasn't sticking was like magic, like parting the waters lol (is that too dramatic, probably) but I have 4 boys that I have to cook for and then clean up after and anything that makes my life even just the littlest bit easier is amazing to me! It's not heavy, cleans up really well, I like how it's almost stone like. I mean I'm in love but then again I've only had it for a week or so (although I have used it quite a bit and it cleans up super easy too!!) But they say there is a 10 year guarantee, so I wonder how they handle that because I threw away the papers from the pan..whoops.


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