Friday, December 15, 2017

BabyWombWorld Ring Sling Review

I want to start off saying, in no way am I a babywearing expert, especially when it comes to ring sling...okay good, now that that is out of the way..onto my review ;)

Now those who know me know I LOVE LOVE LOVE babywearing! I do, so much so that I ditched the stroller almost 2 years ago and exclusively wore my last 2 kids! (I tried with the first but I just didn't have the knowledge or resources I found in California). Now I love me some SSC and wraps (a work in progress, well I guess not much progress) but give me a mei tai and I will wrap the crap out of it lol So whenever I get the opportunity to share the babywearing love I seize it!
I got this carrier and it's really nice

It came with a lot of are the sides of the box

and the booklet and papers inside hold sooo much info as well as a url to Youtube videos and a registration card

I'm a very visual learner so have the pictures and videos is just what I needed when I was first learning.
Now onto the actual carrier. It is a gorgeous color, soft grey. The rings are metal, it has some nice padding on it for babies comfort and the material has a nice feel and so much that it doesn't feel like it needs to be broken into too much. You use a strap like piece to feed through the rings instead of the actual carrier which I think is nice because that is what tripped me up a lot..

all in all I really like this carrier and cannot wait to give it away to a random #soontobebabywearer ;)


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