I love office supplies, I mean who doesn't? (If it's you why are you reading this and browsing this pencil kit..move along) As I was saying, I love them, I don't know why, to me they just scream order and I find them so relaxing. Mr. Pen has some awesome high quality products so I wanted to give this set a go ahead (being that it is school time and I have a real excuse, even though I'm not sharing with my kids..okay I will, duh lol) But in all honesty, these are really nice. These grips really helped out my number 2 kid and I figured I would love to get a head start on #3 since he will start preschool next year. Everything is just really really nice and I love how it all fits in it's handy dandy little pouch that has holes to put into a binder!! Great product! Would purchase again!!
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