Thursday, July 27, 2017

Marsboy Wireless Bluetooth Scale Review

I am on a weight loss journey, well you know more than normal. I have a goal and a year to get there and I need all the help I can so I figured I would start with a new scale (because I'm not huge into numbers, weight is just a number). But this awesome thing factors in so much more and I love that is all on a handy dandy app. It was easy to install the app (although it doesn't have a very high rating, I think it was only 2.9 when I downloaded it). I was shocked at all it told you, It was easy to install and register and pairing was actually the easiest! The scale itself is a nice size, not huge so it doesn't take up much space and it's thin so it's easy to store. I am really loving it and tracking all my progress. You can even link it to your google fit account (which I don't have but maybe I'll try) Oh and another thing I thought was cool, may sound simple but I really appreciated how it came with the batteries it needed, so many products now a days don't and I think it is very nice of them to include them.


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