Monday, May 8, 2017

KSKshape Waist Trainer Review

I was sooo excited about this waist trainer. I ave gotten some in the past but they snapped up or hooked up and it was just so uncomfortable. This one just have some boning but other than that the fabric is stretchy and soft and comfy. Now I'm a fluffy girl, may be too fluffy but it was bad for me. Doesn't work for me at all. I have a long torso so I either need to decide to put it high up under my boobs or low for my midsection..I tried it both ways and both ways it makes my body look worse. I get that bag flub and this actually accentuated it, it kept rolling down and even when it hadn't rolled down yet it just seemed to enhance instead of high the fat. I will try again once I lose some more weight but as is right now (size 18) I would have to say this was a fail. (Major points for the softness of the fabric and the comfyness and the design and how well it is actually made!)I don't know, maybe it just isn't made for my body shape.


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