"The body cloth is fantastic for cleaning your face or babies. The body cloth is the same material as the enviro but has finer threads so it's softer. You get it wet and rub it on what you want to clean. I've been using it for over a month to clean my face and I've noticed my face is clearer. I've also seen pictures of babies with eczema and it's cleared it right up. Of course there's the disclaimer that the cloth doesn't actually do anything medically. All it's doing is removing potential irritants. (FDA frowns upon saying it can be used to cure something when there's no chemicals involved). You can use it wet as a gentle cleanser or wring it out and exfoliate with it. I bought a Clarisonic in November and I'm kinda regretting this now. Oh and it removes makeup!!! This comes in a pack of 3 for $20 or in a baby pack (smaller cloths) for 3 or $15. There's vintage (dark teal, beige, and brown), 3 graphite (gray), and vibrant (pink, yellow, and teal)"
So...that is her spiel, now here is mine! I have been using it to clean my face (among other things but all in due time). So I have this face cloth I have used for years that it just is kind of coarse so it helps exfoliate as your scrub and it can kind of hurt if you do it to hard, dry it feels hard and wet it feels hard..the Norwex Body Cloth is so soft when dry and soft wet..so in my head I'm thinking "this isn't gonna do much", boy was I wrong..using it you can tell it is getting off all those extra dead skin cells and getting into every pore, nook and cranny. Not painful but not like washing with feathers either..comfortable with the peace of mind it is actually working! I don't break out a ton but I have crazy combination skin and now moving up here to a more desert area my skin has become more dry and this really helps get all that extra skin off and keeps my face looking really nice and clean! That is just cleaning, I get it wet and wipe all over my face and done.
Now onto something I tried today for the first time..I wear matte lipsticks like all the time, I love it and it does make my lips dry and I don't like lip scrubs much, I'm weird, but I don't..so I got to thinking.."Hmm..I wonder if this could take all this dead layer off of my lips" I tried it and WOAH, I'm literally blown away, my lips are clean and clear and just feel so amazingly soft and supple again! I could not believe it! If I literally only used it for my lips it would be beyond worth the money!
Let's talk about make up removal, so I'm 100% guilty about always sleeping with my make up, like always, I'm lazy and never take it off at the end of the day and just wait until the next day, whatever you want to call me, I am..but today for you all (you are so welcome) I decided to take it off with the cloth (and water) and see how it holds up..So here is what all I was wearing; Primer, 24 hour Revlon colorstay foundation, brow powder, eye shadow, water proof mascara, contour powder, concealer, transparent face powder, matte lipstick all topped off with Maybelline Master Fix spray for a long lasting look. I put it on aprox 8 hours before taking it off. Here is me with all my make up on.
No filters, me with my "face" on (after 8 hours) so now to get ready and take it off.
I got it all nice and wet and wrung it out..so here we go..bye bye all my makeup..it was super weird but took no time at all until I looked like my tired, gotta cold, sleep deprived, mom self!

All my make up was gone in a flash, like who needs to scrub or lather up and have to splash the water from the sink over your face and make a huge mess? No one, that is who! My face feels so soft and clean and refreshed and I didn't even put my face creams on yet. It is just soo cool..like a magic eraser for your face!
I am just so won over by this one little cloth alone..seriously I don't know why more people aren't using it. You must try it!!! You will fall in love, I promise!!
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