This is a really really nice security system. My husband is in the military and is gone a lot and although we live in a very safe neighborhood you can never be too cautious. So I had the opportunity to receive this set up at a discount in exchange for my honest review so we figured we would try it. It is really really nice, it comes with almost everything you need (and I say almost because we got a computer monitor to be able to see the images quickly without having to open up the app) But it is an all in one kinda thing, like you get this and you honestly don't have to get the monitor, you can use the app that is free and that is just as cool and can be better because you can check on things when you aren't home which I know will help give my husband peace of mind while he is away. The install seemed pretty easy, my husband in the one that did it..he just had to drill hole to connect all the wires and we were able to hook it right up to our internet box so it's pretty nice being able to see all around the house. I did a lot of research on security systems and was really impressed by everything this one included. I think it is amazing and well worth the investment!!
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