Love these silicone rings! I received this product at a discount for my honest and unbiased review and it's soo perfect for my husband to give away as gifts to his sailors on his ship. and bonus this came with an awesome phone holder and a crossfit jump rope (which his friend had just told him he wanted). The rings are really well made and perfect for anyone in a field where it isn't safe for them to wear a metal band. They feel sturdy enough to not just wear down with use but definitely safe enough to break when needed, just in case. We gave the crossfit jump rope to my husband's coworker and he loved it. He was so excited and raved about how great of quality it is and how nice it is that it is adjustable so he can share with his wife. Now my husband got the rings, his coworker got the jump rope so I'm keeping the cell phone car holder! I love it. It's sooo perfect for what I need. I've tried the magnet ones and it messes with my phone and since I have a case that doubles as a wallet it just doesn't hold it on very well but this one fits it perfectly. I use an S4 in a leather case that opens up and holds my credit cards and cash so it's sturdy enough to grip onto it without getting in the way of my opening the case to use the phone!! I totally recommend!! :)
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