Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Joy Baby® Generation 2 Boy Urinal Potty for Toilet Training Review

This is seriously one of the cutest things ever!!! I am sooo happy I had the opportunity to receive this product at a discount for my honest and unbiased review. I have three boys with another on the way and potty training my older two was such a nightmare so I have been loathing the thought with my almost 2 year old. I have seen potty training urinals in the past but they just didn't look stable in my opinion but I just had to get this when I saw how cute it was. Now it is smaller than I expected (I didn't bother to look at dimensions when ordering) so I don't know how far in to potty training it will last but it's so adorable and my youngest seems excited about it, even though he really has no idea what it is. I think the aiming in wheel thingy is a great addition and will only make little boys even more excited to aim and shoot into the actual potty!! The inside "bucket" is very easy to remove and dump and wash! It is also really nice how it comes with the wall mounting hooks as well as suction cups!! I will be recommending this to all my boymom friends!! :)

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