Now I received this product at a discount for my honest and unbiased review and I tried tirelessly for awhile to swat some dang flies with this thing but alas I wasn't able to swat and kill a single one. Totally Not for lack of trying or lack of dang flies..they were just too low and too fast..I will keep it up and update my review once I catch some buggers. Anywho that aside I am pretty pleased with the thing. I don't like that you have to hold down the button to use it but I understand it's for safety reasons, just kinda awkward to get used to but I'm assuming with a lot of practice soon you'll be able to kill a bug like you are waiving a light saber around (my hopes for the future). Other than that it feels nice, not heavy, not too big and bulky but a nice size to kill those pesky flies. I'm excited I got to try it and will be practicing daily until I am a Jedi master and can use my powers to summon the flies to me. lol
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